Pantry Challenge - Day 4

We had another wonderful day of eating in the Elston household.  Liam, who is potty training, had "cookies!!!" almost all day.  This is 'the' reward of choice for a successful trip to the potty room! He started the morning with one and would have finished the day with one too, but he was already too tired to eat anything.

For the Pantry Challenge in our house:

  1. We are not grocery shopping for the month of January.

  2. We are not eating out or take out either. (at least not on our dime)

  3. We are eating from the pantry and freezer as best we can.

  4. We are going to spend the money saved on new shelving for the pantry.

Normally, we spend around $400 a month on food.  I did a stock up shopping on December 31, 2009, which cost us $132.07.  I intend that to be it for the month!

We had a few items that were going bad, so I made sure that those got onto the menu immediately.  Tomatoes and smoked salmon were in salad for lunch.  Mushrooms and half a jar of marinara made wonderful sausage and pasta.  Apples and grapes with leftover fruit dip made nice snacks today.  I even used a few apples in a Tastefully Simple Nana's Apple Cake!

Tomorrow, we're having carrot raisin salad and leftover pot roast.  So far, we have had pot roast, breakfast, steak fajitas, and pasta w/ sausages for dinner.  Not bad for being almost snowed in the first week of January!

For meals this week, I am looking at uses for chicken stock (frozen from crocking chickens over the last year).  There is plenty of it too, maybe 7-10 quarts.  There is more in the bottom of the freezer, but I have to dig it out first. HA!
2 Responses
  1. This is what I love about you Jen - - always finding ways to challenge yourself while doing what's best for your family. When you get down to the cans of succotash, give me a call and we'll find a gift card to some kind of restaurant :) HNY!

  2. Jen Says:

    Thanks, Bead Momma! I will let you know if we need a gift card. We do have a small stock of those from Christmas too! It may come in VERY handy later in the month!

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