Ok, so I know this post is late, as January is officially ended. All told we did ok! Many pantry items were used up and the grocery trips were SUPER scarce. We ate better than usual too. In the end, eating out killed the reduced budget, but we still did much better than we normally do. I am counting it as a WIN!
I am thankful to FishMama @ Life as Mom and Crystal @ Money Saving Mom for posting this challenge. It was a fun way to spend January. I bet it will be a reoccurring event! They are sponsoring a new challenge in February for Freezer Cooking. Since my freezer is not empty yet. I won't be participating fully in this challenge. I love to do freezer cooking, especially when Papa Elston takes our little man out for the day and I can work in peace. He and I did this before Liam's birth. It was awesome. We had 2 weeks' worth of good meals in the freezer and could concentrate on being new parents instead of worrying about food. Another wonderful thing about having meals in the freezer is your ability to give them away! In my PTA, we make meals for families in emergencies and with newborns. How wonderful to be able to give generously to those in need at a moment's notice.
We did do a little freezer cooking this week. I made the whole box of pasta for our seafood pasta meal. I figured that the stove was already heated and energy was being used, so why not get 2 meals out of it. So, marinara pasta bake is in the freezer. Also, I ran out of pizza sauce for lunch. I remembered an easy Betty Crocker recipe for it and had the canned goods on hand. It made more than I needed that day, so I froze 3 bags of single serving pizza sauce. Papa Elston made up some freezer pizza dough I found online too. We are set for 3 homemade pizzas in the near future! It tastes soooo good and costs pennies to make. You just can't beat that!
I am thankful to FishMama @ Life as Mom and Crystal @ Money Saving Mom for posting this challenge. It was a fun way to spend January. I bet it will be a reoccurring event! They are sponsoring a new challenge in February for Freezer Cooking. Since my freezer is not empty yet. I won't be participating fully in this challenge. I love to do freezer cooking, especially when Papa Elston takes our little man out for the day and I can work in peace. He and I did this before Liam's birth. It was awesome. We had 2 weeks' worth of good meals in the freezer and could concentrate on being new parents instead of worrying about food. Another wonderful thing about having meals in the freezer is your ability to give them away! In my PTA, we make meals for families in emergencies and with newborns. How wonderful to be able to give generously to those in need at a moment's notice.
We did do a little freezer cooking this week. I made the whole box of pasta for our seafood pasta meal. I figured that the stove was already heated and energy was being used, so why not get 2 meals out of it. So, marinara pasta bake is in the freezer. Also, I ran out of pizza sauce for lunch. I remembered an easy Betty Crocker recipe for it and had the canned goods on hand. It made more than I needed that day, so I froze 3 bags of single serving pizza sauce. Papa Elston made up some freezer pizza dough I found online too. We are set for 3 homemade pizzas in the near future! It tastes soooo good and costs pennies to make. You just can't beat that!