Continuing the Eat from your Pantry Challenge from
Life as Mom and
Money Saving Mom this week.

For one of our Christmas gatherings, I needed a cup Buttermilk for a recipe. The hubby picked up a quart of it. So he made 6 cups of buttermilk pancake batter over the weekend. Pancakes are a family favorite at our home AND they freeze really well. We added 2 pancakes into plastic storage bags and have a nice stock of ready to eat snacks or meals anytime we want. I may have to make homemade syrup to finish the month though! ;-)
In our home, Sunday night is a good time to make recipes that are more labor intensive or that take more than 20 minutes to prepare. So Champagne Shrimp Risotto was a great meal for that night. I did have a few challenges though. When I picked the recipe back in December, there was a bottle of Champagne in the house and I had parmesan cheese on my shopping list. Neither of these were actually available on Sunday when I made the dish though. I also had known changes to the recipe. I never buy raw shrimp or have fresh spinach on hand. So here are the changes I made to this recipe:
Substitutions (mine vs. recipe)
1. Precooked Frozen Shrimp - Raw Fresh Shrimp
2. Homemade Chicken Stock - Champagne & Store bought stock
3. Frozen Spinach - fresh chopped leafy greens
4. Shredded Guyere - Grated Parmesan
Doesn't it look yummy!
The substitutions worked out great! Additionally, I had fresh mushrooms that were going to go bad soon, so they got sliced and added too! It was a delicious meal for our family, plus there was enough leftover for an entire meal later. It is in the freezer waiting for another day.
This week's menu looks like this:
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches w/ Tomato Soup
Calzones with Salad
Brocoli MacNCheese
Shrimp Gumbo (Frozen from a previous meal)
Smoked Sausage w/ sauerkaut
BBQ Beef (also Frozen from a previous meal)
Leftover night
I added a leftover night, so that I have the option of NOT cooking as well as making sure that the extras from other nights get ate too.
There are several veggies in my fridge that need used this week too. I find that a canned meat salad is a great way to get rid of several small amounts of fruits or veggies left over from other recipes. Chicken salad for lunch this week will have grapes, celery, and onion added. I also store pecans, walnuts, and other nuts in my freezer, so one of these will go in also.
I have several evenings full this week with church, PTA and
Uppercase Living so a week of quick and easy meals was in order.
Leave me a comment and tell me if you have joined and what you're meals look like this week.
Posting again soon! Jen